-one is nled source
-second one is wireshark source
Building and installing the nled from source file was pretty easy and brings back memories from ops235.
$ tar -zvf nled_2_52_src.tgz
$ cd into the directory created
$ make
No need to install nled. Just run from the program directory ./nled
nled now running
Next is wireshark
I chose to build wireshark because it has a configure file and I can use it for my security class.
$ tar zvf
first i ran the ./configure but it returned with errors for dependencies. So, read the README file and downloaded all the required libraries. Ran the ./configure file again, but still an error. This was caused because it needed the developer libraries libpcap-devel not just the libpcap
yum install libpcap-devel
$ ./configure went through without any warnnings.
$ make
$ make install
make took forever. Gotta try the -j option for make next time. Make install (had to be root).
$ wireshark
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